Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ready, set, eat!

I'm going to keep this one simple. After Erin decided to start a legit foodie blog over at hotplateconfidential.com I thought it would be kind of hilarious to do a parody about how much I eat. The idea started to get even better when I realized that not only do I eat a lot, but Karl (aka Too Tall) enjoys eating in a big way too. And with that, and some searching for a reasonable name - who knew there were already a million blogs titled "The Clean Plate Club" - we're ready to get started here at I ate the whole thing...

I know what you're thinking; "sure these guys claim to eat a lot, but so do I..." And you might be right, and while neither of us may be the next Kobayashi, we're not amateurs; between us we have won a pizza eating contest (the prize: more pizzas than you can eat), gone so crazy at an all you can eat BBQ joint that the waitress didn't know how to handle it, and participated in numerous other eating contests and bets. Karl can tell you all about how to lose a pie eating contest, and I can assure you that trying to eat 6 Cadbury Cream Eggs in 60 seconds is a terrible idea.

As I just got back from a vacation in Maine, I'll kick this thing off with a quick recount of one of the freshest lobster rolls I've eaten in ages. If you find yourself in Freeport, ME around lunch time you should take a short drive to Harraseeket Lunch and Lobster in South Freeport (http://www.harraseeketlunchandlobster.com) and grab a roll. This place is right on the water, and is really really good. If only they served beer...

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